Privacy Policy


We strongly believe that you have the right to privacy when using Magpie.

Our privacy policy is simple: your personal data is none of our business. To the extent that our apps can provide their functionality without doing so, we always prefer to avoid collecting any data from you. In the cases where we do collect data, we give you the ability to opt out whenever possible.

So, here's some detail about what Magpie does, and why.

Usage Statistics

Magpie collects information about the way you use it by default. This data is always anonymised before it is sent to us, and cannot be used to personally identify you. You can always opt out of usage statistics if you wish.

We look only for broad patterns in the aggregated usage data, such as whether or not a particular feature is frequently used, or whether users in general prefer one setting over another. This helps us make informed decisions about the future development of Magpie.

To be clear, we cannot track an individual user's behaviour. We also cannot receive information from your device's displays, cameras, microphones and we cannot access any of your photos.

Crash Logs

If Magpie crashes while you are using it, data about the crash will be collected and sent to us to help identify the cause of the crash so that we can try to fix it in a future update. These "crash logs" contain information about the state of the app, operating system, and device at the time of the crash. Nothing in the crash log can be used to personally identify you, and crash logs do not contain any of your private data.

Services Used

Collection and aggregation of usage statistics and crash logs is provided by Crashlytics and Fabric.

Your data in Magpie in only available in your iCloud account with Apple and we have no access to your iCloud account. You control your iCloud data and as so can manage your iCloud storage and delete your data if you wish -

We ask your permission in Magpie to use:

• Camera: So you can take photos of amazing things
• Photo library: So you can add existing photos from your library
• Location while in use: So you can tag your Collection items with the location they were taken

Opting Out of Crash Data and Usage Statistics

You can opt out of sending Crash Data and Usage Statistics at any point. Refer to the Privacy section in the app's Settings screen. Turn off 'Send Crash Data and Statistics

Questions and Feedback

Please contact us if you have any questions about our data collection or privacy policies. We'll be more than happy to discuss them with you.

The legal version of this policy is available here